Doctors and Dentists and Such

     I hate to admit it but it has been far too long since I have been seen for anything.  I decided that in order to really be fit and make some of the necessary adjustments, I’d better haul my hiney in and get some of the annual check up stuff taken care of.  I had to force myself to get on board with the idea that ignoring a problem does not resolve it so as much as I did not want to hear it, I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and I have a dentist appointment tomorrow.  Taking care of ones self means taking care of everything nose to toes my friend… and fyi, yes,  I did get a pedicure the other day too.  So I had a full panel of this and that and everything else checked and today was my follow-up.  I was dreading what my labs might say about me and after the brief exchange of  pleasantries, we got down to business.  To my surprise things are looking good for the most part.  Amazing right?  I guess the food and the exercise is really starting to have an impact on my well-being.  Sugar was good, blood was good, some minor adjustments needed with the thyroid but we should be able to tackle that in the next couple of weeks.  I know the trip to the dentist is not going to be as pleasant but I’m looking forward to getting that taken are of too.  Getting older is kind of a b*#^h but it doesn’t have to be awful.  I want to be in the best shape possible for myself and my family.  They don’t deserve anything less. 

     Ate well today… veggie burger for lunch, orange for snack, and poached fish for dinner with veggies and rice… can’t remember breakfast… must have been half asleep, thinking it was cherrios but if not it was something along those lines. 😉  Worked out for about 45 minutes this evening and I am currently at 6 to 100.  This week has been fabulous and I know I am not going to be able to lose 1 lb. a day forever but I will celebrate it when it happens!  I’m looking at 94 lbs. till I reach my goal.  I know it’s going to be a challenge, hell it’s like losing a supermodel, but I know I can do it!!!

Eat right and live well! 🙂

About hopi10

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